The Glassman Legal Group takes pride in helping people protect their homes by ensuring homeowners insurance companies are treating you fairly. For many, a home is a person’s most treasured asset.

Composing A Letter To Your Insurance Company

If your property has been damaged and you feel it’s appropriate to file a claim with your homeowner’s insurance company, get your facts and documents organized. In the letter you write them, you’ll need to include details of the incident that caused the damage and the circumstances leading up to it. Create a timeline of events. Provide detail, but also be concise, crisp, and clear.

Provide evidence to support and backup your claim, such as photos of the damage, repair receipts, and police reports, if relevant. At the top of your letter, make sure to include your policy number.

Understanding Your Insurance Company’s Response

The insurance claim process can be puzzling. As you battle uncertainty, it’s not unusual to feel like you’re in the dark while awaiting a decision as to what is and is not covered by your insurance policy. Your insurance company will almost always communicate their decisions via a letter in the mail, so people anxiously look out their window and dart to the mailbox each day after seeing the postal worker make his/her delivery. 

When you receive a letter regretfully informing you of a decision that seems questionable, you may feel overwhelmed and/or defeated. It’s important to remember insurance company’s letters are not designed to inspire confidence in homeowners to dispute the insurance company’s decision. They do not just easily grant you money or a win.

You have to state your case, provide evidence, and convince them that the damage is covered by the terms and conditions of your policy. That’s where The Glassman Legal Group comes in! We can help read between the lines of the legalities of your policy and the letters that reference it. Our team of expert attorneys can be your eyes, ears, and voice in handling your insurance company when you don’t agree with a coverage determination.

We get to know the unique details of your case to craft a specific plan to use the full extent of the law to maximize the likelihood you’ll succeed in recovering a full and fair amount of money, so you can continue safeguarding the condition of your home. 

When you’re in the dark about an insurance claim or feel like you’ve reached a dead end, call The Glassman Legal Group at (954) 915-8800 and we’ll help guide you to victory. We do not charge out of pocket legal fees. We only get paid when our clients recover their money in a settlement.